Professional Baby Proofing Services                             

Baby Safe Steps is London’s premier baby proofing service.  We work with parents to design a comprehensive baby safety solution for your home. Our consultants have helped thousands of London families by identifying and minimising risks throughout the house.

Contact Us!

Call: 0044 7725-077641
Address: London , United Kingdom.

Opening Hours

Monday-Friday :   08:00 - 17:00

You can reach us for any queries via phone Monday-Friday : 08:00-17:00 or you can contact us via Email at anytime. 


How To Choose A Stair Gate



Stair gates are often the problem our clients need the most help with. There are so many choices and it can be difficult to find the right solution without some guidance.  Most parents have no experience with stair gates until their first child arrives.  The truth is your home and the existing structures within it will narrow your choices significantly. Not all gates work in all situations.  The measurements and type of balustrade you have will determine the best option for you.

Pressure Gate

Pressure Fit Gates are attractive to many parents because, in most cases, they don’t require drilling. They do, however, have some limitations. Pressure Gates should never be used at the top of stairs. Because of their design, there is a threshold which can create a trip hazard. The pressure required for them to be stable can damage balustrades and, in the end, create a costlier repair than a screw fit option.  Pressure Gates work well in doorways as long as the opening isn’t too narrow.

Screw Fit Gates

Screw Fit Gates are the most versatile option on the market. The most basic and least expensive is a swinging gate (for example: Baby Dan Flexifit). They do require drilling, but, in most cases, the repair is very easy.

There are also Retractable Screw Fit Gates (for example: Baby Dan Guard Me, Lascal Kiddyguard Avant). Though they are more expensive, retractable gates offer a more aesthetically attractive option. When fit correctly, they offer the same level of security that a more traditional swinging gate does. When not in use, they either fold or roll away to limit the visual impact of having a gate in your home.

Configure Gates

Configure Gates are modular systems which can be used to create safe zones or fence off very wide areas. They are screw fit, but have the advantage of easy removal. Once the wall fixtures are in place, they can be removed and replaced very easily.  These systems are very versatile. They can be used to create a fire guard, a playpen or a fence.

Custom Gates

Custom Gates aren’t for everyone. They can be very expensive. When done correctly, however, they can be matched to your existing balustrade and limit the visual impact of having gates in your home.

Call or email us today! We can help you decide how best to make your home safe for your children.